I will be posting about something more than books tomorrow. Something memorable.

But for today. It’s books!

19. Shadow Of The Torturer by Gene Wolfe – I’ve read this before, but I didn’t remember much of it. It was a good read, but not as good as I don’t remember.

20. Claw Of The Conciliator – Decent, but worse than Shadow… I was going to read the rest of the series, but I’m not sure I can be bothered now!

21. The Affinity Bridge – Tepid, mediocre, etc. Not worth reading really. Don’t think I’ll read any more by this author.

22. Ferno The Fire Dragon by Adam Blade – A Beastquest book for Gwire. Not bad for a kids book.

23. Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll – Very chaotic and clever really only in the context of when it was written.