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Well, I haven’t posted here in a while, but this time I had a good reason. My Dad had complications with his bowel surgery and his kidney and liver shut down. I traveled out to America for my Mom and to see first hand how things were going. Everything went very well and as of today he’s been walking around, up and down the hallway. So, all’s well that ends well.

On a much lighter note, I’ve been playing more table tennis all the time. To the detriment of my gym going, so I’ll need to fit that in somehow. After resisting it for nearly a month, I’ve broken down and bought… my own table tennis bat! I didn’t go for the traditional wooden bat; this one is made of space age materials. This might backfire on me, but we shall see. It’s washable, though. Which is a plus. 🙂

In between all these goings on I’ve been reading books as well, of course.

24. The Android’s Dream by John Scalzi – Decent Sci-fi and it had it’s charm, but an average read.

25. The Adventure of English by Melvyn Bragg – Brilliant book! I learned so much about how English developed.

X. The Grand Ellipse by Paula Volsky – I got over 300 pages in and the world was well-realised, but the main character got on my nerves!

X. Prince Corum by Michael Moorcock – This fantasy was too old-fashioned for me, really…