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I’m really looking forward to our trip to America this year. Well, it’s my second trip to America, but the first one wasn’t under pleasant circumstances as my father had taken very ill with complications from his bowel surgery. I flew out for a couple of weeks to look after him and my mother.

It’s looking like there’s a good chance that my dad will be out of the hospital by the time we get to America, which is very good news. I’m sure he’s sick of being in the hospital now. I can be that sure because we talk to him on Skype and he says so. Maybe he could even get around with a wheelchair or something. I’d hate for him to miss out on anything, but if he’s confined to his bed, then we’ll make home a regular hub of all our activities there so that we can keep him updated on all our stories and he can see the pics we’ve just taken. Well, we’ll do that anyway. I’m sure he won’t be going out all that much even if he’s allowed.

This will be a great trip this year. We’re going there at a specific time of year for a double reason. A Halloween in America, which is the best place for a kid’s Halloween and also because it’s my Dad’s birthday in November. So, we’ll throw him a party with hats and streamers wherever he might be located for that. We’ll just have to see what we can do when we get there.

Books that I’ve read:

29.  Station X: The Code Breakers of Bletchley Park by Michael Smith – Incredibly informative and shot through with accounts by the people who were actually there. And not just the highups.

30. American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis – A horrible book and at times very boring. The extreme violence is tedious as well. Put it down once, but it was the only thing to read at the tail end of my holiday and I got most of the way through it. Never read anything by him again.

31. Edward Trencom’s Nose by Giles Milton – It was okay, nothing special. I guessed the “twist” by page 20 and I never try to guess twists.